Add config for how mod intregates into minecraft #1

opened 2021-10-24 03:27:43 +00:00 by Justi · 1 comment

Add the ability to configure if this glowstone should do the following;

  • "Replace": Replaces glowstone_dust entirely, not removing current instances of glowstone_dust

  • "Convert": Does not replace glowstone_dust entirely, but allows you to convert vanilla instance into modded instance

  • "Both": does both of above

Add the ability to configure if this glowstone should do the following; - [ ] "Replace": Replaces glowstone_dust entirely, not removing current instances of glowstone_dust - [ ] "Convert": Does not replace glowstone_dust entirely, but allows you to convert vanilla instance into modded instance - [ ] "Both": does both of above
Justi added this to the Release milestone 2021-10-24 03:27:59 +00:00
Justi self-assigned this 2021-10-24 03:28:11 +00:00

Modified to follow new scheme

  • "addConversionRecipe"

  • "addPotionReccipe"

  • "replaceGlowstoneDust"

Checked means implemented

Modified to follow new scheme - [x] "addConversionRecipe" - [x] "addPotionReccipe" - [ ] "replaceGlowstoneDust" Checked means implemented
Justi closed this issue 2021-10-28 03:36:27 +00:00
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Reference: Justi/GlowstoneWire#1
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